
Mind is a term some people use like it's synonymous with brain,while some categorise it to be different from brain.
Mind of a person is actually something which represents person's active earthly internal consciousness,not the spiritual one,because one cannot completely feel spiritual plane's consciousness on earth or where in case of a nde or willful travelling like as astral projection covering the infinite astral realms.
The amazing thing is consciousness can be moulded into anything and everything,which i will later explain.
How amazing is the idea of consciousness,but the pity is on the professionals,actually so called who even in the field don't pick the right key for the right lock,it's easy to come with a theory and people may believe it,even if it sucks.
Those doctors and professionals who study nde give complete weird explanations,of course they will satisfy masses,but never is in harmony with the beautiful truth.
Now,this mind is infinite and so it's explanation is infinite.
Mind is very fascinating,but let's think about the different and varying stages of consciousness,because consciousness is of infinite kinds and types,sub-categories and major and minor categories,even in people there are infinite categories of consciousness,a new behaviour,skillset,patterns can be born anytime,because the world is creative and it is one of the biggest ideas in this world which is creativity.
Now,let's think about different types of consciousness,Let's think about spider consciousness,it is a kind of consciousness,they have the information to cast a web to attract a prey,so they can feed on,now people regard them as dull,of course major society,not everyone maybe,but anyone ever thought how in this world does a spider know what it has to do,it knows,it can be argued that spider communicated in spidery language and passed the info,but what about a lonely spider ,born seeing no parents,even that spider will cast a net of strong milky silks to fill his belly.
This shows how powerful this universe is,now there are many kinds of consciousness,stone consciousness,bird consciousness,cow consciousness,there experiences are varied,etc.Now,people have uniqueness,because everyone's consciousness differs,those who say that people are same are wrong,every one is unique,consciousness varies because for example some persons eats more,because there is,while some eats very less,even if there is.
One of the best thing which show some light on powers of mind-this term sounds fancy,but ok,let's talk about placebo and hypnotism,which i will say are fields in their own respect.
The idea is mind here,so i will stick to it.
Mandela effect also has something important.
Mind is infinite,but let's say to be honest God has the power to manipulate this plane at will,just with thought,like if a person suddenly gets some weird powers,maybe god just put a thought of the idea in his earthly consciousness.Why thought works is because everything single thing is thought actually,an idea which can fade away like a dream with powers of visualisation and concentration to a bigger extent.
In some cases i have seen articles like due to electric shocks or something involving electricity,peopke gain superabilities,while if philaedelphia experiment is true or not,but it involved huge electricity and people who came after the ships reapperance where passing through solid,vanishing,etcut shows that highly powerful electricity can infuse superpowers in person,while leaving body called as death also lurks,but it is nit dangerous,simply physical body casts away,astral body is the vehichle now.
This idea of electricity can infuse powers,but i think it will be very bad to experiment this on people or prisoners.
In some cases,it is possible that the persons get's a shock and no powers,why because possibilities are infinite,it can go the result in any random way.
Magicians i have to talk about,because it's important for mind study,many people believe that magician's are tricking the brain,but what if it is genuine,like they have become true powers,whether a magician us aware of this or not,i have to know this idea,
but powers either come from muscle memory,when during practicing a trick ,impossible fades away,new idea is built in subconscious.Another major way is visualisation,it is insurance to get powers,because with it one gets the skill of materialisation-like a dozens of apples manifesting instantly.
The idea is science never has documented anyone who just lives in imagination,seeing himself with superpowers.I want to know as well,because it is tough to keeo racticing visualisation for hours and hours for others,for magicians its easy,because that is their job.
Knowledge of mind is infinite,till now this little material is nice,major one,maybe next time.


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